Monday, February 16, 2009

Everyone should experience the night time doings in Amsterdam... And Im talking about everything... From smoking weed, drinking your ass off, staying up way late and wondering down the forbidden red light streets, and maybe chomping on some mushrooms... Theres so many things you can get away with in this town now why are they thinking about shutting it down? Are there tourist getting out of control? Are they losing money?


  1. Although I agree with people having a good time while visiting Amsterdam, there should be somewhat of a limit of what you are able to do. If Amsterdam just allowed everyone to take any kind of drug anywhere they wanted to that would create chaos. Anyone who is on drugs is not comprehensible to the outside world and usually doesn't have good judgment. Imagine the problems it creates around the whole town, drunks out on the road hollering and starting trouble. There diffidently needs to be a limit on what you can do. Also the kids that run around Amsterdam see what older people are doing and think it will be okay for them to do, and that is not setting a good example.

  2. I think due to the fact that you can get away with all of these things in amsterdam is a main atraction. with california wanting to leagalize marajuan to boost the economy is a perfect example of the power of drugs in he economy. if amsterdam was way more strick on the the eating of shroom and smoking of pot its tourism would increasingly decline.
